Thoughts of a Chicana Feminist

Monday, March 06, 2006


I LOVED working at Techbridge. The work was so rewarding and fun. And I found that I was surprisingly good at what I was asked to do. I had never worked with teenage girls or with visually impaired kids, but somehow I could deduce creative ways to present them with information and opportunities to learn a new skill or two.

The day finally came. After I left Techbridge the team put in some good elbow grease into the lesson plans I developed with Marcia Vickroy and Linda Kekelis (not name dropping, just giving props). The resource guide is called Explore It After School!

I must say I am pretty proud of myself. My Master's thesis (Sisterhood: A Technology-Enhanced Community Organizing Model) was "published" in 2003 and now this in 2006. It motivates me to do produce Equivalent 2.0 and to focus on populating my On Women and Technology blog.